Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lesson plan template

Target Audience of the Lesson:
2-3 graders
Big Idea of the Lesson:
Students will develop a HyperStudio presentation to share what they have learned about their animal’s habitat, adaptations, and predator/prey relationships.

Overall Goal for the Lesson:
The goal of this lesson is to give children the opportunity to work with HyperStudio to present all the information that they have gathered and make it into one presentation.

Indiana Content Standards Addressed:
2.1.3 Describe, both in writing and verbally, objects as accurately as possible and compare observations with those of other people.
3.2.3 Keep a notebook that describes observations and is understandable weeks or months later.
3.4.1 Demonstrate that a great variety of living things can be sorted into groups in many ways using various features, such as how they look, where they live, and how they act, to decide which things belong to which group.

ISTE CNETS Student Standards Addressed
Basic operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems
Social, ethical, and human issues
Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.
Technology productivity tools
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Student Objectives for the lesson. (Given a condition, the students will, to what level).
Students will have to be familiar with vocabulary used in this unit such as habitat, adaptations, predator and prey. The students will have to know how open HyperStudio, but directions on how to use the program will be given during class time.

Length of Lesson: (minutes, number of class periods, or days or weeks needed).
This lesson plan tasks several weeks to complete, but I will focus on the end of the lesson where students are putting together the presentation.

Schedule of Activities: (Break down your activity into a timeline of events. Focus on what students will be doing and what teachers will be doing during each part of the activity.)
The class takes a field trip to the zoo and the school provides them with digital cameras to take pictures of the animal that they wish to research. The photos will be used in the end presentation on HyperStudio. Research time may be given in class with media specialists to guide the students. Research can also be assigned for homework with the help of the students parents. The HyperStudio presentation will take 4 class periods consisting of 30 minutes to complete. Each day that the students are at the computer they will work on the 4 different cards that need to be part of the presentation. The four cards are the title card, which will contain a picture of the students animal. The second card will be called habitat. The students will draw a picture of their animals habitat and briefly explain where it is. The third card will be the adaptations card. Students will draw pictures of there animals and list at least 3 adaptations of their animal. The last card will be the predator/prey card where students will pictures of what the animals eat for prey, and what animals like to eat it.

How will these activities be assessed?
The students are assessed by seeing if they used the correct vocabulary. Students will not be graded on the actual computer presentation because it was the first time they have used this type of software.

Adaptations: How might the lesson need to be adapted for students with special needs?

An aid would be assigned to a student who has special needs. The aid will help the students do the research necessary, as well as help them with the Hyperstudio program.

Materials Needed: Go through each activity and identify what items (both technology and not) are needed to complete this lesson. Include a breakdown according to individual student or student groups.
Many computers, enough for each student. Hyperstudio. Digital cameras. Various non-fiction books. Research form.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lesson plan ideas

1) Students will select an animal that they would like to research in order to learn more about it. The students can work on their research during class time in the computer labs. They will be allowed to use a digital camera to upload any photos that they want of their animal. After the gather all their research students will put together a KidPix presentation in which they will present all the information they have learned about their animal. They will be able to make their presentation in any way that they want. Technology is incorporated in this lesson plan by allowing students to do their research with the internet, as well as using a digital camera. The students will also be using KidPix to present all the information they have learned.

2) Have a starter idea on each computer such as "Today when i woke up i saw ___ outside of my window. There will be music playing and the students will sit down at their computers and write the sentence up on the board and fill in the blank to create a story. Each student or pair of students continue writing on their computer until the music stops. Students then move to the next computer. Students read and than add to the started story on that computer. When the music stops, students move to the next computer and so on and so on. Eventually, everyone is back at their computer. Students edit for spelling and punctuation, not changing the content. Students can add pictures to the finished stories if they like. Students are evaluated on punctuation corrections. Students are amazed at how the same story turns out so differently each time. Technology is used by getting the students to use word documents and it works on the students typing skills.

3) Students will listen to a short story "I Like Myself". Students will express ideas orally and with pictures. These ideas will be used to create a slide show using Kid Pix (software program). Their self-portrait should highlight what makes them unique. Each portrait will also have a brief written summary. All portraits will be compiled to form a class book. It incorporates technology by using digital cameras and a KidPix program to make a classroom book.

Public Policy Changes Using Technology is an Inquiry and decision making project in
which the students work cooperatively discussing problems, collecting data, organizing
and sharing conclusions of this data, and formulating positions. The inquiry seeks to help
students go through the decision making process, take a stand, pursue a change in
community action. The goal of the project is to influence others through written, oral, and
visual communications.

The students actively participate in this lesson. It is a “hands-on/ voice-on learning
activity. This lesson integrates many first grade curriculums with library and technology.
(We go between the library and the computer lab to get information for, and create this
project.) The children and teacher discuss their experiences with spiders and how they
feel about this invertebrate. A group discussion on spiders, body parts, habitats, diet,
The students create a Spider Booklet using the information collected and recorded. When
they have finished their booklet, they should have a good understanding of spiders.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Welcome To this blog for W301 lesson plan!